Riya Kapoor

Riya Kapoor


Medical Education in Pakistan

Medical Education in Pakistan is given an important consideration from an international point of view. The Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) controls medical Education in Pakistan. All Colleges that give medical education are monitored and timely inspected by the Pakistan Medical and Dental Council every year.

PMDC allows colleges or universities to grant Medical education or any Graduate or PG degree or diploma provided those colleges are strictly adhering to the standards set by the PMDC.




There are 125 Medical and Dental colleges recognized by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC) to impart medical education in the country as per the rules and regulations. PM&DC is a statutory regulatory authority established under Pakistan Medical & Dental Council Ordinance 1962 as a body corporate. It is known and respected worldwide and is part of international community of medical regulatory authorities (IAMRA). Pakistani doctors are considered one of the best and are doing meritorious service in all parts of the world and that is a testimony to the effective regulation of medical education being done by the PM&DC. No Pakistani Doctor can practice in Pakistan or abroad without being registered with PM&DC or without being in good standing with it.

Medical Statistics of Pakistan

In Europe there are 3.5 doctors for every 1,000 patients, and according to the World Health Organization the third world countries had 1.3 doctors against 1,000 patients. In Pakistan, the ratio is 0.7 doctors against 1,000 patients. There are 165307 doctors in Pakistan, of which 5,004 are in Balochistan, 3,079 in the AJK, 19,792 in the NWFP, 64,975 in Sindh and 68,790 in Punjab while 3,101 doctors are foreign degree holders. There are 125 public and private medical and dental colleges in the country. During the year 2012-13 PMDC has reallocated the seats to its approved colleges and now there are approx. 14,150 seats for MBBS and BDS (Source: PMDC).